July 19, 2019
How to Improve Your Car Dealership’s Sales Team
A productive and efficient sales team is the lifeblood of a dealership. While many auto dealer sales trainings focus on big-picture tips and tricks, not enough dig into the core fa…
July 5, 2019
Increase Car Sales with Personalized Dealership Marketing
Many common methods of increasing dealership sales involve spending more on broad marketing campaigns or launching dealership promotions that can significantly increase the cost of…
June 21, 2019
4 Ways Dealerships Can Sell More Cars by Bringing in More Customers
4 Ways to Increase Customer Traffic at Your Dealership As game-changing as the Internet has been for dealers, the best way to sell more cars at a dealership continues to be getting…
May 10, 2019
Everything Dealers Need to Know About AI in the Automotive Industry
When the topic of “artificial intelligence in the automotive industry” comes up, most people probably have visions of autonomous vehicles humming through city streets, picking up a…
April 26, 2019
How Do Your Customers Measure Their Experience at your Dealership?
Using data to help your sales staff truly understand their customers and anticipate their needs will lead to a better overall experience in your dealership. In this article, automo…
April 12, 2019
Top 3 Auto Industry Trends for Q1 2019
Automotive sales forecasts are leaving many dealers feeling less than optimistic about the future of dealership sales. In order to remain profitable in a flattening market, dealers…
April 5, 2019
The State of Automotive Financing: What Dealers Need to Know
Don’t close down your F&I department just yet, as it turns out the dealer-assisted loan might not be dead after all. Despite what some media reports recently claimed, your abil…
March 29, 2019
How AI Changes the Auto Industry & Enhances the Dealer Sales Process
When Hollywood considers what artificial intelligence (AI) might look like in the automotive industry, the results range from the “Transformers” movies in which cars and trucks tur…
March 22, 2019
Predictive Behavior Modeling in Low Inventory Automotive Markets
Dealers know the next few years are going to be lean for the automotive sales marketplace. They’re seeing it now: Automotive News reports 2019’s light-vehicle sales are off to thei…
March 15, 2019
Art or Science? Part II: Sell More Cars with a Holistic Market View
A few months ago, we took a look at the art of selling cars versus the science of selling cars. Sell More Cars With Data-Driven Marketing There’s both an art and a science to lever…
March 8, 2019
Taking a Data-Driven Approach to the Marketing Nurture Cycle
Not all leads are ready to make an immediate purchase. Most top-of-funnel leads don’t even recognize they are in the market for a new vehicle until much further along in their pros…
March 1, 2019
Market EyeQ Provides Full Market Views that Competitors Simply Can’t
Mastermind was founded in 2012 by auto dealership veterans who took note of the disruption led in other industries by data-driven companies that were constantly learning more about…